Opening day jitters? Who knows. Thought I was ready to bring home a nice fish dinner, but got skunked down on the Arkansas for the first time in a long time. No matter. Had a great day getting out and getting away from it all. Air was a little cool early on with the wind blowing through the canyon, but it got better as it got later in the day. High clouds, blue sky, sun. Had a big brown chase my fly to the bank, but it was the only fish I saw all afternoon.
Canon City was dead like everywhere else, but I was happy seeing it that way. The fewer parades and rallies we have the better.
D’s birthday today. Forty-five. Called this morning and got rolled into voicemail, but left a message wishing him the best. Be nice if we could catch up sometime, but I’ve learned it’s not up to me in most of these things. You do what you can, and leave the rest to whatever.
Read a terrific essay by W. Kittredge last night. An old piece that must have found its way into a magazine in the early seventies. Wish I could remember the title, but I can’t. Anyway, an eye opener.