You live, you learn...

Did some decent work early on at the keyboard, then made the mistake of driving off to Calhan to see the “Paint Mines.” Drive was nice, but if a quiet stroll in nature was what you were after, you would have done better taking a jog down 16th Street in Denver. Would have met with fewer people. Not exaggerating when I say there were well over a hundred sight-seers out there trudging through the gumbo. And I mean people who looked like they hadn’t been out of the house in years. But the day was nice, if a little cool, and everyone was well behaved. So…lesson learned. Packed a couple of corned beef sandwiches in the hope of having a small picnic lunch out on the prairie, but ended up wolfing them down in the car on the way home. Not all adventures work out the way you hope.

Killed the rest of the afternoon reading and napping. Which makes for a good day, anytime. Cooking up the chicken marsala tonight and cracking a nice bottle of pinot. Not sure what’s going on in the rest of the world, and don’t really care at the moment. Have too much out in front of me to do anything but press forward with eyes open and hope for the best.

Toying with the notion of going fishing this week. Yeah, sneak down to the Arkansas and see if I can’t catch dinner. As long as gas prices are low, why not? Silver lining isn’t always where you expect it to be. Maybe it’s never where you expect it to be.

Critique off to N. One story left. Set it aside after the first read thinking maybe it had the right stuff. Gonna find out tomorrow.