The long way home...

Left on a train for Pittsburgh a week ago today. Spent Monday night eating steak in a dining car while the plains rolled by…Tuesday evening watching the sunset over Chicago…Wednesday catching up with the boys and their parents…Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday flat out goofing off. Swimming classes, karate classes, games of chess, croquet, Zingo, Go-fish….

All in all a pretty swell time. Even got an acceptance slip from the San Antonio Review for “Kings in Exile.”

Plane ride home was exhausting, as always, but we’re back and the whole trip was worth it—despite the fact we both came home with colds.

Didn’t get as much work done on the new long piece as I would’ve liked, but did enough to move the piece forward. Hope to press ahead again tomorrow. Meanwhile, no word on Dreams of Stone. Who knows? Maybe this’ll be my month.

Beat. Calling it a day. Hope to make an early start tomorrow, and see if I can’t get my groove back.