Had a nice dinner last night with K and S. Nothing too special—just corned beef, cabbage and soda bread—but somehow it came off as a small feast.
Easy night, easy morning. Getting up later than usual, but it hasn’t seemed to make much difference. Work’s still getting done.
Miss the boys. Haven’t heard from them since we got back from Pittsburgh. Not our place to bitch, so I won’t, but I’m sure looking forward to seeing their faces again.
Got out for a walk this afternoon. Nice day, for the most part. Sun drifted in and out of clouds. Seeing more people afoot than a week ago.
Passed the 60,000 word mark on the new ms. today. Hope to finish soon. Looking forward to writing another short piece or two, then leaping ahead with revisions.
Still haven’t hit stride with working out at home, but trust it will come. Meanwhile, more of the same.