Did I fall off the grid recently, or have my posts mysteriously disappeared? The bigger question in play might be, why can’t I remember? Yesterday is a complete blur, with the vague exception that I recall getting a haircut. Or maybe I’m wrong about that. Maybe I don’t recall. My hair is shorter today, which would suggest a haircut had been had, but….
Early rise today. Almost like it was still 2019. Hit the keyboard hard looking to put distance between the first ream of blank pages and the last. Did all right. The new draft is coming along, and I’m enjoying the ride. We’ll see how long the feeling lasts.
Making preparations for the trip east. Leaving on Monday, so not a whole lot of time left to get things in order. Feeling some apprehension, but think it’s collective bit of nerves coming to life over the busy schedule ahead. A week in Pittsburgh, after that I visit from mom, after that a visit from the boys, after that a visit to Albuquerque….
Not sure how it’ll all work out, but it will. Meanwhile, there’s this dreary gray winter to get through.
Put the brakes on the Portis book. Don’t want it to end. Still reading the Ruark stories too, and re-reading D. Johnson’s Laughing Monsters. Would like to jump into a big old classic, but afraid it might de-rail my thinking at the moment.
Gotta open the new laptop and take it for a spin before I get on the train. Want to make sure I know where to find everything once the train leaves the station.
Did I mention the arm is killing me?