Settling in...

Up later than I would’ve liked, but up nonetheless and at the keyboard by seven. The new short is coming together well, and if I don’t muck it up I might have one of the better pieces I’ve written this year when I’m through.

Hoped to get a jump on some correspondence, but was waylaid by FaceTime call from young Jack. Had a nice time talking zombies, battlebots and the like, but missed not hooking up with Matty, too. Maybe Friday.

Dental appointment tomorrow to have my loose crown reset. PT on Friday. Been pushing the reps on the weights in the hope of getting back muscle mass, but have the feeling it’s going to be near summer before I see any real gains. Been a year of repairs, that’s for sure.

Thought we might make it out for a walk this afternoon, but the day got away from us. Finishing up with the Christmas shopping now, and planning out the dinners to come.

Home made potato leek soup and an old Christmas movie tonight.