Sleepwalking through...

Now it’s the asthma, not the arm, keeping me awake nights. Woke at 2:30 this morning, and never really got back to sleep. Tried to sit up and work, but that didn’t go so well either. Made for a long listless day.

Didn’t manage a workout this afternoon, but punched out a couple of N critiques, and finished the last of my reading. Should have all of my assignments put to rest by tomorrow, or Thursday at the latest. Also figure to have the first reader draft of the novel finished tomorrow.

Cold, overcast day. Not much good for anything. Kinda hoped to see snow, but it didn’t happen. Not sure what the rest of the week is supposed to bring.

Tired in more ways than I can say.

Crossing my fingers I can get some rest tonight and start fresh tomorrow. God knows I’ve got plenty on my plate.