Slowly drifting back to normal. Whatever normal is. Up at a good hour to finish revisions on the new short. Thought I might take a walk when I’d finished, but didn’t dress warm enough to make a go at the soccer field stairs. Just as well. When I got home I’d forgotten I had a PT appointment.
Spent the early afternoon trying to get the shoulder in shape, then came home and took a nap when I realized i wasn’t going to have an office for a while owing to tech work being done in the next suite over.
Was feeling energetic until I woke up. Been trying to shake off the doldrums ever since. Cold weather…covid…cabin fever…they’re all getting to be a nuisance, aren’t they?
Heard temps are going to hit the sixties next Tuesday. Already put a pin in the date. Going fishing, for sure. Meanwhile, some new N stories to read and critique.