Got to work early this morning, avoiding anything in the way of news. Turned out to be a good thing in that, (a) had a good steady day of writing, and (b) the news improved as the day went forward.
Had a nice workout at the gym. Was the only one in the joint for a change, and was able to put in a lot of extra work. Rope skipping in particular is getting easier. Put in 500 reps today without straining the bicep or shoulder. If the pain stays manageable, may be able to get myself back into form before the end of the month.
Hard to believe it’s Thursday tomorrow, though it’s hard to believe a lot of things at the moment, good and bad. In a place of missing at the moment. Probably means I need to get out more while the weather’s nice. Did take a pretty walk this evening. Got a chance to breathe in some clean air.