Schlepping along...

Got some traction. Out of bed early, made some revisions on the new short, wrote a letter to my boys in Pittsburgh, and got in a decent workout in the garage.

Starting to lift again. Not much, but enough to make the bicep remember what it’s there for. The new weights are great, and should work out well. Have a long way to go to get back where I was, but with the whole winter ahead of me I should do all right.

FaceTimed with Jackie this afternoon. Hadn’t seen or heard from him in a while, so it was nice to catch up. Will have to see if I can lock in with Matty later this week.

Thinking about driving out to Leadville earlier than planned. Figure Thanksgiving’s down the tubes, so why not get the Christmas tree early? Pack lunch and a thermos of coffee, and hit the road. We’ll see how the next day or two goes.

No symptoms. Test results should come along soon. Meanwhile, knock wood.