Moving along smooth and steady. Up at a good hour, off to the cottage at a good hour, and put in a nice morning’s work.
Big headway on revisions, and progress on the N stories. Sent off a critique mid-morning. New pieces came in, which should keep me busy over the weekend.
Long FaceTime chat with Matty this afternoon. Got a chance to catch up with Jack as well, though the conversation was a bit more brief. Nice getting to talk with them again.
Made a trip out to Costco to do a little longterm shopping, but bailed when we saw the long line running out the door. Maybe the county Covid numbers are sending folks into a panic.
No workout today, but will make up for it first chance I get. Big winds coming in tonight and staying until late tomorrow.
Hanging back tonight. Figure to chill with a bowl of soup and a glass of wine. Hit the sack early and get some reading in.