Wednesday evening, 5:29...

Restless night’s sleep. Arm again. Still, muddled through the day without any problems. Kicked out a reader draft of one of the new shorts, “In the Aftermath,” and surprised myself by composing an entirely new story this morning, before going off to the gym.

Had a nice email exchange with Dave Essinger, editor of Slippery Elm, about his novel, Running Out. SE is running a promotion highlighting some of their former contributors, yours truly included, so we killed two birds with one stone. Gonna pass the book along to Dylan. Think he’ll enjoy it.

Weather turned gray again. February. Keep hoping for either snow or rain, but my shaman skills seem to be lacking. Can’t remember a winter being this dry.

Note from the New Yorker this morning. Rejection for “X". But at least it was personal. Who knows? One of these days…