Haven’t quite recaptured the hang of the early rise this year, but working on it. Up early enough to put in a steady stretch at the keyboard. Spreading things out between research, reading, and revisions. Making headway in all three, but still need to up my game. Things still feel like they’re at a standstill.
Giving serious thought to a submissions moratorium. Putting all my energy into work and leaving the placement issues by the wayside for a while. We’ll see. Tired of chasing down manuscripts that have been languishing in editorial offices, and working near free at times to help other people get ahead. Don’t want to sound bitter—I’m not—but gotta start taking better stock of my time management.
That said, good day at the gym. Getting back into the groove again after the holidays. Wish my arm felt better, but I wish I had a million dollars, too. Whatever comes, I’m looking to punch my way back into relevance.
Been thinking a lot about the boys lately. Need to post a letter tomorrow, or the day after. Get one out the door to D, too, along with my thank you notes. C & D gave us a subscription to MasterClass for Christmas. What a cool gift. Been watching the David Sedaris lecture on essay writing. Material’s familiar, but the presentation is all Sedaris. Really enjoying it.
Three quarters of the way through the Lawrence tome. Also enjoyable. Looking forward to the The Club, next on my list. Reading is the antidote to pretty much everything in life, and always has been, hasn’t it? Something to remember.