Amen to a new week...

Got a surprise FaceTime call from the boys this morning. Pretty nice. Was in the middle of revisions, so it came as a treat. Young Matthew is sick, but Jackie seems as though he’s on the mend. Only another four weeks before we go out there to see them.

Two of the short pieces are getting nearer completion. The going’s been slow, but it feels like improvements keep coming, so no complaints. Just want to finish them now and move on.

Weather’s still cold, still breezy. Spring seems a long way off. No snow for a while and that’s a problem too, as the grass and trees haven’t been watered in some time. Might have to drag the hose out if we get a warm afternoon one of these days.

Drove down to Canon City yesterday just to get out of the house. Turkey Creek was dry and brown, but pretty. Same with Canon. Had cheeseburgers in a pub then spent an hour kicking around Mainstreet. Did an art gallery, a furniture store…. All in all, not a bad way to kill a winter afternoon.

Had K over for dinner tonight. Watched most of the NFL championship game, though there wasn’t much to see that didn’t resemble a car wreck.

Looking forward to getting back to business tomorrow. Catching up on my correspondence and whatnot.