Wins and losses...

An early rise for a change. Felt like the old days.

Made some quick revisions to the newest story, then trucked off on a research binge for the new long piece. Been shaping it in my head for days now, and the themes, plot, characters all keep getting clearer and clearer. Wish I could put a pin in one of the new drafts. Not sure why I’m having such a time of it, but don’t figure I’ll get an answer anytime soon either. Probably best to leave things as they are for the moment and move on to something else.

Text from D last night. Said he was going to be in Denver in April for a Peal Jam concert. Wanted to know if I wanted to tag along. First time ever our calendars have collided. The boys are going to be in from Pittsburgh the same week, and with young J’s birthday, I couldn’t accept the invite, but sure felt bad turning it down. Been feeling as though we’ve closed some ground over the past year.

Well into the Margaret Atwood Master Class. Similarities, subject-wise, to the Sedaris and Oats classes. Not really learning anything new, but enjoying the telling.

Nice day today. Sun was out, temps had dropped, and though it felt like winter it didn’t feel like winter. Been thinking about Wyoming a lot lately. Other places, most in the mountains. Think it’s a symptom of cabin fever.