Would have sworn it was still the middle of the night when I went out to the cottage this morning, it was so dark. But it was just after five. Anyway, got away with some decent time at the keyboard before the sun rose. Wrote, did a little research. Catalogued photos from the trip.
Turned out to be another fine fall day. A little breezy, but sunny, too with nice mild temps. Made me miss the boys. Would’ve been a great day to get out on the water with the canoe.
Spent some time at the gym early afternoon, then did a little shopping. Made some Navy bean soup when I got home. Looking forward to a quiet night, though the weather forecast is calling for a drop in temps which probably means big winds tonight.
Wish my damned eyes didn’t burn so much. Finding it hard to read right now. Expect it’s the wind blowing something in. Been having to hunker down with the Symbicort more, too, and can only hope the lungs aren’t about to flare up again.