Monday, living up to its rep, as always...

Long day, short post.

Great day on the lake, Sunday. Got in some good fishing. Slept pretty well last night and woke early to put in time on the new story.

Stuffed Kit into his carrier a little after eleven, and that’s when the day took the turn it’s been following ever since.

Good news—great news, actually—is that the boy’s built like a tank. The bump on his back is nothing…the x-rays came back looking good, a big negative on arthritis, and while he weighs in at a hefty 20 lbs, he hasn’t gotten any bigger. Still, a traumatic back and forth.

Hit the gym later than usual and got in the best workout I could. Came home and got a chance to talk with Jackie. Wrote him and Matt a letter this morning, so it was nice to catch up, see his face.

Driving up to Denver tomorrow to see my old San Francisco friend, Renuka, read one of her stories. Tonight, just kicking back.