Dinner at K’s last night. Pork tenderloin and lots of nice conversation. Pretty evening.
Hard time stay asleep. Kept waking, thinking I was hearing things, and when I got in the truck to go off to the gym this afternoon I knew why. Somebody’d broken into the cab and rifled the glove box. Nothing missing as far as I could tell, but then there wasn’t anything to make off with either. Lesson learned. Leave a rattlesnake on the front seat next time.
Up early to a nice morning. Worked on the query letter yesterday afternoon, and think I tapped into something decent. Re-read it and think it has promise. Now back to the synopsis for a little more paring.
Hit the gym early afternoon, and did all right. Was a little tired, but made the most of things. Mowed my lawns when I got home and had a chance to gab with my favorite neighbor, R. Hadn’t seen her in a while and it was nice to catch up.
Speaking of chats, gotta give Mom a call tomorrow. Catch up on other news. Balloon festival here, but will probably pass on it, and the crowds, and celebrate from a distance. Didn’t see any craft in the sky this morning, but will keep an eye peeled tomorrow.
Lazy weekend so far. But that’s all right.