Woke just after midnight last night, and never quite got back to sleep. Some of it aches from working out, the rest from thinking about the boys. Still, put in a long solid day of editing, and while I'd didn’t get as much accomplished as I’d have liked, did okay. Would have gotten the lawns mowed, too, but for a giant toad strangler that came along late afternoon soaking everything.
In keeping with the tragic nature of the month, the back window on the pickup’s decided not to work. Wait. Lemme revise that. It rolls down, but refuses to roll up. Discovered this during the aforementioned toad strangler. Duck taped a garbage bag to it as a temporary fix, but can’t get it into the shop until Monday. Suppose it’s better it happened now than up on the Bighorns.
Had a good day at the gym. Light, compared to yesterday, but nice. Afterward, came home and went back to work. Got a new piece from N to look at. An essay. That should be fun.
Boys coming for a sleep over tomorrow. Gonna take them out in the canoe Sunday morning. Have an old CD of Danny Kaye stories I’m gonna spring on them at bedtime, providing I can find something to play them on.
Have this picture of Mattie in my head. He’s holding my drill, looking at the sawhorse. Knowing he’s only allowed to use the drill on appropriate materials, he points to the sawhorse’s leg. Says, casually, “Is that wood?” Earlier, in the kitchen, a butcher’s pinking shears in hand, he was seen to look up innocently and ask, “Got a chicken?”