Back at it.
Good morning at the keyboard. Feel like I’m getting back into the swing. Revisions to the long piece are pretty well in hand, and I’m looking to put a reader copy out the door sometime soon. Get to work on the outline, synopsis, and query.
Good day back at the gym. Thought it might be tough after a four day break, but actually felt pretty good. Looking to get back in the swing this week and make up lost ground.
Garage is a day away from being clean, providing I can hang another shelf and jettison the old wood I’ve been saving. Nice to have things in their place.
Need to make a trip out to the toxic disposal dump before the week’s finished, and another trip to the Arc. Meanwhile, the projects go on. Gotta cut some stabilizers for the cabin door, make a new flue cover, and cobble together some shelves for the shed. After that, fashion a leg for the new pot planter stand from some of the scrap teak. After that, who knows.
Another story, maybe?