This one went by like a streak.
Got in some early revisions on the new short piece, then spent the rest of the day chasing after the baby. Park, school, store. Lots of outdoor time. Glad we didn’t get the rain they promised. Until now, anyway.
Looking to the weeks ahead. Caley’s wedding in Santa Fe soon, mom here for a week. Other goings on. Schedule’s starting to fill up, and Wyoming’s beginning to beckon, too. Not sure when that’ll happen, but with the snow being what it is up on the Bighorns, late July and early August aren’t out of the question.
Good being away from the long piece. Enjoying this new story I’m working on and think it might be one of the better things I’ve written in a while. We’ll see. Meanwhile, I’m just going to enjoy it.
Reading a 1920s copy of H.G. Wells History of the World now, among other things. Enjoying it more than I thought I would, though Out of Africa is still hanging around my heart. Re-reading McCarthy’s Child of God again, too, for what must be the fifteenth time. Man, the guy can write.
Taking the boys to the Sportsman’s show in the park this Saturday. Should be fun. Just about time to get Jack out fishing again.