So that's nice...

So the day went more smoothly than I figured it would. Maybe because it got off to a good start. Was up early to have coffee with my buddy G, catch up on news of the outside world, then home again to spend the morning with young M, and finish the commercial projects I spent the weekend drafting.

No fiction today, and it felt good.

Tomorrow, back at it.

Didn’t spend as much time outside as I would’ve liked, but was impressed by what I saw of the day. Crisp clear air, blue ski with big, thick cumulus clouds, and an off-again, on-again breeze that was strong but nice.

Read that the snowpack around the state was at record levels. All the rivers are high. Hope it bodes well for the summer, and the fire danger.

Started adding some new stuff to my workout. Need a change of scenery. We’ll see how it plays.