You got the mojo, you get the say-so...

Getting tired of the weather. More of the same. Cold, overcast, ugly.

Had to squander the morning at the doc’s office, begging for refills on my RXs. Hearing stories about old age and diabetes. But screw it. They get to call the shots and they know it. Just have to kowtow until I figure another way out.

Didn’t get much work done when I got back, but surprised I got any done at all. Attitude was already half way in the dumper before I left for the clinic.

Got to the gym for a pretty good workout, and that may have been the saving grace of the day.

Read a story this afternoon that sent me into existential shock. Isn’t very often anymore I read something that makes me want to put down my pen forever, but this one came damned close. If it’s the real deal, I’m as good as dead.

Need to get out tomorrow. Find a movie theater and drift into oblivion. Something.