Wild one.
Woke up early and got to it. Hammered away at the keyboard until 8:00. Spent the rest of the day with young M, shopping, playing, goofing off, etc.
Managed a quick trip to the gym, then home again and off to pick up J at school. Had a nice time till we got home and the world went to hell over a yellow marble.
Long piece is shaping up. There’s probably something akin to a twelve-step apology most writers owe their friends and family when they spend too much time with a manuscript, but I’m not sure it’s been codified yet. You can call it work, but at times it feels like an addiction. And not always a healthy one.
Nice bit of sunshine today. Wish we’d gotten out more, but that’s the way it goes. Looking forward to a spell of good weather so I can finish the yard work, start mapping out some new fishing adventures. The mountains look beautiful right now. Expect the water does, too .
Plunged into Isak Dinesen’s Out of Africa last night. What a wonderful book. Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to discover it.