Yeah. Getting used to the yard work.
Wrote this morning, the went off to Lowe’s to pick up a couple of boxwood bushes. Stood in line while an old woman verbally abused her grandchildren. Man. Kettle started to boil with that one. Would have liked to cub her over the head with a shovel, but changed lines instead. It wasn’t the cure, but it helped.
Put the boxwoods in front of the new brick fence in front. Just what it needed. Got some weeding and raking done too. Also got the mower off to the lawn doc for a tune-up. They’re two weeks behind, so it’ll be ready for pickup about the time I get back from Albuquerque for Mom’s 89th.
The Heller book isn’t bad, but there are a few unfortunate cliches in it, and at least two strangely-improbable, easily avoidable incidents that have left me scratching my head. Funny how it’s easier to see mistakes in someone else piece when you’ll overlook them a hundred times in your own stories.
Easter breakfast tomorrow at the boys’ house. Egg salad sandwiches. After that, back to the yard. At least for the morning.
Quiet day today. Overcast, but warm. Hardly a breeze to be found. Supposed to cool off the rest of the week with at least a little precipitation along the way. We’ll see what comes.