Why is it I can’t get a decent post written come day’s end? Too little sleep, I suppose.
Anyway, out of bed before dawn and down to the cottage to write. Started in one direction, changed course and drifted off into another. Think I did some good work, but nowhere near as much as I’d hoped. Went from the long piece, to the commercial pieces I noodled on yesterday, to a new short story.
Weather was good today, if a little cool. Sky was blue, and not a cloud to be seen. Be nice if the trend held so young J and I could go fishing next Monday, before he flies off on his New York adventure.
Have M tomorrow, so won’t be getting in a lot of writing, but maybe I’ll catch a break and be able to read the two new stories from N.
Read by buddy G’s new treatment and enjoyed the hell out of it. Hope someone out in LA discovers the guy soon. God knows he’s put in his dues.