Going up the country...

Good day.

Up early, wrote a bit, then headed up into the mountains for some spring snow-shoeing. Weather was beautiful, the snow was deep and the sky was blue. Trekked three-plus miles through the woods and was paid back with magnificent views all along the way.

Ran into a couple of deer on the return trail, and a herd of twenty elk grazing on the mountainside on the drive home. Not sure if we’ll get another big snow before the warm weather arrives, but if we don’t this was the kind you want to go out on.

St. Pat’s Day tomorrow. Kids are coming over for dinner. Gonna try out the new pressure cooker and see how we fare.

Finding new things to consider in my re-read of Hem’s Garden of Eden. Have to wonder how it would have turned out if he’d lived to finish it. Can’t recall finding it as interesting the first time around, but maybe I’ve matured. Or maybe I’m just older and more forgiving.

Beat now from all the sun and air. Calling it quits for the night.