Yeah, been there before but...

Big news of the day. Got an appointment with the oral surgeon to have the rest of my tooth pulled on Monday. Only need to survive the weekend now.

Driving up to Leadville tomorrow to cut down the Christmas tree. Looking forward to the drive, as I haven’t been able to manage much else in the way of productivity for a while. Maybe the fresh air will clear my head.

Pushed three N reviews out the door today. Feel good about that. Won’t have much time to look at the rest until Saturday, but that’s okay. Don’t think I’ll be holding anyone back.

Got another year old rejection to day. No sting to this one, though, as the story’d already been picked up—and by a better publication. Once in a while the gods show their sense of humor.

Been working to beat back the blues for weeks now, and think I hit a turning point yesterday. Feels like it anyway. So here’s to moving ahead.

Nice workout at the gym today. Real nice.