Going in, dukes up...

Quiet day, yesterday. Did a little writing, messed around the house, and enjoyed a bottle of wine last night with my neighbors, H&T.

Didn’t stay up too late, but still haven’t found my early-morning energy. Working my way back to respectability on the slow road, I guess. Good news is, the writing’s beginning to come again. Found an ending for one of my new stories. Piece isn’t finished yet, but I know where it’s heading now and excited to finally get there. Hope to put the final touches on a couple of pieces, then get back to the research I was doing for the new long piece. Meanwhile, letting things unfold in their own way.

K leaves for Venice tomorrow, so the world should spin back into its normal orbit before the week is out or shortly thereafter. Christmas clean-up, a few new projects undertaken, and who knows, maybe a snow shoe adventure or two before long.

Looking forward to getting back to the gym on a regular schedule. Hitting the bag. Skipping rope. Getting lean again. Gonna go into 2020 with a new, take-no-prisioners attitude.