What weekends are for...

Quiet day.

Up early, like the old days.

Wasn’t any snow, but the sky was grey and a cold wind was blowing up from the south. Got in some decent writing time, then bagged everything to watch a football game. Nice to sit back and do nothing for a while.

Have an early appointment with the oral surgeon tomorrow morning. Feels like everything’s in place, doing what it should, so don’t expect the session to be much more than a quick checkup. From here on in, it’s just a waiting game.

Feel like I’m getting some of my mojo back. Expect it to wax and wane here over the next few days with company coming and going, but as long as it’s there and I can tap into it, I’m happy. Who knows, I may find a finish to one of the new stories yet.

Figure to hit the rack early again tonight. Get up early, shovel some snow, then find my way back to the keyboard.