Fighting through the cold...

Be nice to divest myself this cold, but it seems to have stalled out in my head. Been sleeping better, but by better I mean sleeping at all. No gym two days running, trying to rest myself into health. Hasn’t done much except leave me two days out of shape, and a long way back to the heavy bag when I finally pick myself up.

Did get in some good writing this morning. Feeling better and better about the new short. Think I’m pretty close to a reader draft. Hope so, anyway.

Thought we might drive south and put the canoe in, but just didn’t have mojo. Spent the afternoon at the movies instead. Saw a joint called Jo Jo Rabbit, which was surprisingly good, though why I say “surprising” I don’t know. Critics were giving it pretty high marks.

Talked to Mom for a few last night. She’s down in Tucson visiting friends. Was nice to hear her sounding strong and energetic. Gonna give her a call a little later in the week, do a little more catching up after she gets back home.

Haven’t heard much about the long piece. One note, and that’s it. Fingers crossed, right? It’s all you can do.