Hit hard by the crud. If I could manage a good night’s sleep it might help, but you can’t sleep if you can’t breathe. Up at midnight. Tossed and turned the rest of the night. Was up before six, and spent most of the morning catching up on billing, etc. Also got a good start on the radio spots for C.
Drifted off to the gym early afternoon, did a little grocery shopping afterward, then came home and wrote more.
Found out my story, “Kings in Exile” was named a finalist in the Sequestrum New Writer Awards. First bit of decent news all week.
A big wind blew in, cold weather with it. Temps will drop tonight, for sure. Still supposed to be a nice weekend, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Pretty decent day up until late afternoon.
Finished the William Trevor novel yesterday. Felicia’s Journey. Wow. What a writer the guy was.
Gotta push hard to finish the commercial stuff tomorrow and finish my notes to TTN. Best to cash it in for tonight and take a strong run at it tomorrow morning.
Wish I weren’t so damned tired. Add that to the endless list of other wishes, right?
Signing off.