Black Friday...

Up late last night entertaining Thanksgiving guests. Had a wonderful time seeing everyone again. Woke early to have coffee with my buddy G, over at Jives.

Didn’t manage to get much writing done today, but maybe that’s all right. Been pressing hard lately, and don’t have much in the way of results to show for it. Maybe I’m overthinking things.

Abandoned the keyboard for the movies early afternoon. Saw Knives Out. Enjoyed it quite a bit. There was a good rain blowing up from the south when we left the theater, so we bagged a side-trip we’d planned and came home. Spent the last of the day with my buddy, Scout.

Extraction point is still sore and achy, but the sutures have stayed in place and I’m grateful it’s only as bad as it is. Been finding ways to distract myself, not the least of which has been reading and critiquing the last of the stories and essays in my N queue.

Looking ahead to a quiet day tomorrow. Might try and mosey over to the gym if I get a chance. Hope the wind and rain don’t get too bad tonight.

Got some new photos of my boys today, decorating their Christmas tree. Bad, how much I miss em. But I’m happy they’re happy, and February will be here sooner than I think.