Thanksgiving’s so close I can almost smell the turkey.
Been trying to stay ahead of things, but haven’t even managed to stay on top there’s so much to do. Was up early, revising, but only got so far before getting sidetracked.
Wrote a long review for one of the N stories I’d been holding, and found two new ones in my queue before noon.
Put in an early workout at the gym, then went off to the bank, the Arc, the post office, the grocery store and the garage to pick up the Jeep.
Good news is, the brake job wasn’t a back-breaker. Let’s hope the same can be said of the washer repair tomorrow, though I’m not sure I’ll care after my 8:00am oral surgery.
Need to get a handle on things before they spin out of control. Like to enjoy the next few days if possible.
Supposed to FaceTime with Jackie this afternoon, but the gig was scuttled. Maybe tomorrow. Hope so.