Situation normal...

So. 2019 continues to be a year of slightly miserable surprises. Broke a tooth last night, and found out this morning it’s probably going to have to be pulled and replaced with an implant. This after the Jeep’s brakes go out. Suddenly the sinus infection doesn’t seem all that bad. Geez. Could be worse, I guess. But now I’ve gotta sit around and nurse the thing until Tuesday morning when the dentist can do the dirty work. Fingers crossed it doesn’t break any worse between then and now.

On the brighter side, managed to write a few lines this morning and get a few things done around the house. Captained the Jeep over to the garage, too, without crashing into anyone. So there’s that.

Weather came back on line late morning. Blue skies and sun. Most of last week’s snow is gone already, except for odd patches here and there. Not sure what’s coming next week but with the Jeep back in service, the tooth issue settled, and the antibiotic regimen in full swing, I think I can hack it.

Bought a bottle of wine tonight. The gods insisted.