Chipping away...

Took a couple of hits today, but came back no worse for the wear.

Up later than usual, but again made good progress on the new stories. Also turned in another critique and got a start on a fourth—or is it fifth? Anyway, progress.

Temps dropped quite a bit since last night, and it appears they’re gonna stick around for a few days. A light mist came down this morning, went away for a while, and returned again this evening. If it keeps up, the roads are gonna ice over for sure.

Put in a good workout at the gym. Not great, but better than last week. Going to the clinic tomorrow to have this cold looked at and see if I can’t score some antibiotics. Three weeks of this is enough.

Thinking about having mom up here between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Will have to see what the prospects are.

Hung a new shelf in the closet tonight. Facelift finished. Now it’s only a matter of throwing away everything we don’t want and starting over. Difference between this time and every other time I’ve said that is, this time I really don’t care.