Let's leave it at this...

Fell like maybe I turned a corner this morning. Slept through the night for the first time in a long time. Still packing the baggage, but the cold seems to have let up a bit. Hope so, anyway.

Spent a lot of time digging up research for the fourth of the new pieces I’m working on. Did a little bit of rewriting on the others. Every now and then you fall into a place where you can’t see the end of a piece, and this is one of those times. Difference this go around, compared to times past, is I’ve learned how to wait it out.

Headed over to the gym a little after twelve and got I decent workout. Not as good as I wanted, but good enough, given the circumstances. Feels nice to get some energy back.

Hanging back tomorrow to install cedar lining in the bedroom closet. First step in the big facelift. Hope to finish the paneling, then get to work on some kind of organizational system.

Caught some of the impeachment hearing before going off to the gym. Gonna be an ugly winter, I fear. Might have to blow up the TV.