Piecing it all together...

Here it is, Wednesday .

Walked out to the cottage this morning and was greeted by rain. Just a light mist, but man did it chill things down. Supposed to be even cooler tomorrow. Highs in the 60s.

Got on the revisions for the long piece first thing. Trying to shape it up one last time while waiting for the advance reviews. Feels like it’s going in the right direction.

Took a break around one and went to the gym. Back later for more revisions.

Wished I’d had time to work on the new story, but no luck. Ran out of energy before I could tackle it.

Found a neat card for the boys this afternoon. One of those pop-up deals. A bear and a fox in a canoe.

Not a whole lot more to say.

It is what it is, and it was what it was.