Busy Saturday.
Woke early, put in some time at the keyboard, then killed an hour or so at breakfast with Mom. Had a nice visit all around, though a little less event-packed as the others have been. She says she wants to go canoeing the next time she’s up, so who knows? Maybe we’ll get a nice day and drive over to Quail Lake. Meantime, it’s back to work.
Caught up with Jackie on FaceTime and had an amusing, if brief, chat. Mattie squeezed in a few words, too. Looking forward to seeing those two characters at the end of the month. Feels like a year since we’ve been with them.
Did a little more yard work this afternoon, followed by a trip to Rocky Top, followed by some shopping. All in all, a successful day.
Feeling the crash coming on, so don’t expect to stay up late. Figure to get an early start in the morning and maybe finish a draft of the new short piece.
Weather beautiful today, but the smoke from the Salida fire is still heavy in the air.