Plugging along, same as always...

So, yeah. Another early rise.

Still cold, below freezing, but some warm weather’s supposed to blow in soon. Hope so, anyway.

Spent the day going back and forth between the baby and the new projects that’ve come in. Got a couple of things out the door and even had a chance to wander off to the gym for a while.

Surprise text from D last night. Wants to meet in Albuquerque in March and go to a concert. Didn’t have to think about that one. Said yes right away. His grandmother will be thrilled. Absolutely thrilled. We haven’t seen one another in a while, so it’ll be nice catching up. Can’t wait to pass the news along.

Read a couple of stories in the new issue of Ploughshares. Enjoyed them both, but neither as much as I wanted to. That’s how it goes, I guess.

New issue of Whiskey Island arrived with my latest story in it. “Dancing with the Devil.” Seems like a helluva long time ago since I first put it in the mail, but it was worth the wait.