Up early. Got a few revisions in at the keyboard, then entertained the little guy most of the afternoon. Took a brief wagon ride around the neighborhood, but not much going on.
Weather uglied up by mid-day with an enchanting combination of mist and smoke. Can't even see the mountains anymore. Getting a nice rain now, though, who knows what tomorrow will bring.
No gym today. Too busy. Have to remedy that tomorrow.
Have no idea what went on in the world today, but understand there was some big political news. Indictments and verdicts and whatnot. The usual, right?
Eric the reluctant came by, too. Started work on the storage rack in the garage. Was pissing and moaning about the directions that came with the unit. All pics, no words. Felt his pain, but that's the way it is anymore.
Both excited and anxious about the long piece. Six pages from the end, and not sure where it goes from here. Something tells me I won't know for sure until the next read through. But before that happens I've got a couple of short stories I want to work on.
Felt like fall this morning. Had to wear a jacket out to the cottage. Was okay. Looking forward to snow now, or whatever, to put out the fires.