There's no retirement for the wicked...

That chirp from the keyboard? Fixed. All it took was a good hard crack against the desk. 

Good day at the keyboard. Got lots of work in. Hit the gym mid-afternoon and worked out the bike for a change. Wasn't as good as skipping rope, but what is? Mowed the lawn(s) when I got home. Shoveled up apples into the bargain.

Cool most of the day. Some nice breezes rolled through. Skies were as blue as they've been for a spell. God, I hate to wish summer goodbye, but I'm tired of the hot and smoke and the mosquitoes and all the rest. I'm already envisioning a fall filled with fishing trips and weekends in the mountains.

Not sure what tomorrow brings beside a teeth cleaning with my new dentist. Will have to wait and see how that goes. Thirty-some years with Dr. Dan, the rock 'n roll dentist, and now it's a new guy. Can't hardly believe it.