Be the mountain, not the monkeys...

Up early. To the keyboard at 5:00 with a steady run until 7:00. Put in some good work today. Spent the rest of the morning chasing after small stuff. Picked up groceries, took a spin around the block with the wagon, then goofed off around the house. 

Made it to the gym around 2:00. Hardly anyone there. Afternoons are looking better all the time, though it's nice to get the workout out of the way early, too. We'll see what the rest of the summer brings. Point is, be adaptable.

Drove up to Green Mountain Falls yesterday to check out their lake in the city park. Looks like the perfect place to take young J. fishing. Picnic grounds, playground...shade. Gonna make our first expedition on Sunday. 

Hot today. Skies were pretty clear until about 5:00, then something blew in. Saw what looked like smoke drifting up from the south, but now it's just overcast. Some bad fires burning to the south. Praying for rain. 

Boys across the street are doing well. Looking forward to spending some time with them tomorrow, and maybe finish writing a few reviews. Could use a few more hours in the day.