Easter Sunday...

The big one. Easter! Pretty nice day given the cool weather that drifted in. Put in an hour or so writing, then went off for a late brunch with the younger set. Good food, good conversation. Lollygagged around the keyboard most of the afternoon, but got some good work done in the process. Took a walk around the neighborhood around 4:00. Called Mom when I got back and caught up on all the family happenings without having had to be subjected to them in person.

Haven't been to the gym in two days, a rarity! Gonna have to hit the rack early if I want to talk myself out of bed tomorrow morning. Gotta start working toward my summer regimen.

Not sure what it is, or why, but feeling good about the new week's prospects. Looking forward to whatever comes. For starters, the temps are supposed to get into the seventies. Who knows, maybe I'll get an acceptance, win the lottery, and strike oil all on the same day. It could happen, right? Right?