D's birthday today. Have a good one, son.
Back from a day off in Denver. Kicked back at the Oxford Hotel, had a terrific dinner at Rioja, and slept through the night for the first time in months.
Had a croissant and a latte at the new Union Station. They did a beautiful job with the remodel. Made me want to hop on a train back to San Francisco. Pick up some new material to write about. Hit the Tattered Cover before checking out. Picked up a hardcover collection of Denis Johnson's last stories, and a hardcover of Sam Shepard's final work. Two of my all time favorites. Gone.
Dropped by the Denver Art Museum to see the new Degas exhibit before going home, and spent half an hour or so at the WWII monument in the March for Our Lives rally. Funny. Haven't been at a gathering like that since the 70s in Washington.
Home now. Gonna do a bit of reading. Nice to be back.