Breathe in, breathe out...

Well, it never did rain. Sun actually came out for a while, though the wind kept things on the brisk side. Spent most of the day chasing after the little one, but did manage to get a small window to work early in the afternoon. Pushed two N reviews out the door and started a read on a new story. Novel excerpt that, if keeps going the way it has, is going to get kicked upstairs.

Went out for a brief walk and wagon ride late afternoon. Thought it might go south at first, but everything settled and it was all right in the end. Never seen a child so reluctant to be ferried around. Never.

Got a quick look at the long piece this morning. Still have my fingers crossed I can make quick work of the clean up. Right now it feels further away than I’d hoped, but it’s tough to tell without a long critical sit-down. Don’t want to speculate at this point. All I can do is to keep driving ahead.

Elections today. Whatever comes of them, I hope it improves peoples attitudes. I’m tired of the din.