And suddenly, it's dark again...

Well, Daylight Saving Time came as promised, and as always the extra hour was welcomed and well-spent. Dug back into the long piece and wrote a short scene that will have a large impact on the arc of the narrative. Now I just need the time to work through the ripples it left in its wake. Also made another small but significant revisions to “Money Shot.” Feel as if I finally have the ending in place, and that with the exception of a few small tweaks will be able to put together a decent reader copy.

Cold, overcast day today. Spent most of it around the house. Made a brief trip to the grocery store to pick up fixings for beef stew, but that was the extent of my travels. Got off a letter to my sister, and another to D, who I haven’t spoken to for way way way too long. Need to remedy that.

Read a couple of new N stories late this afternoon. They were both competent, but one of them had some real promise.