
Don’t know what it is—maybe two nights, back to back, up late—but it’s a little after 5:00 and I’m already dragging.

Caught up with my buddy G, early this morning for coffee over at Kairos. Great time, as always. Good to see him doing well. Got home a little later than usual, and begged off writing in favor of cleaning house. Yeah, I know. But it happened and it’s over and now I can go on with my life again. At least for another two weeks.

Summoned up the energy to go to the gym, but didn’t have much in the tank afterward. Did some grocery shopping, then came home and put in time researching stuff no one on the planet but me cares about. In the process, ran across an account of the late Jesse Winchester on the Appalachian Literary Review website. Nice piece. Brought back a lot of memories. Was sixteen or seventeen, working at a dog grooming/kennel in Brinklow, Maryland when I first heard him. Used to call in the local radio station from the office phone and request the song “Yankee Lady” at least once a day. Saw him live at the C.S. Fine Arts Center a year or two before he died. What an incredible singer-song writer.

And speaking of music and musicians, what a terrific concert last night. Always amazed at what a talent JS is.