Another one gone...

Thought myself out of bed and down to the cottage by 5:00 this morning. Still slogging through revisions, though most of them are small now and before long the piece is going to have to stand on its own merits, one way or another.

Pretty day, today. Cool and fallish. Wish I would have gotten out for a walk, but was at least able to make it to the gym for a quick workout. Need some new bag gloves. Opened up the second knuckle on my left hand last week.

Been ruminating on two new drafts. Maybe I’ll pick one of them up tomorrow and try to make a run to the end. Something different.

J dropped by this afternoon to help with the garage lift. Not sure how far he made it in his troubleshooting, but as far as I can tell the thing still doesn’t work. Man, what a drag that thing’s become. Like to set it on fire. Or better yet, take an axe to it.

Boys are spending the night tomorrow. That’ll liven things up.