Check this space...

New story coming along okay. Gets bumpy six pages in, but the form is there and themes are in place. Need to put it away for a few days and get on to something else. Some commercial work, maybe. No word from the TA Ranch folks, but that's okay. Plenty to keep me busy. Spent a few hours looking after small stuff, then made a break for the gym. The bank, later, for the HSA debit card I never received. Sprinkled a bit while I was downtown. Cooled things off. Supposed to be in the seventies tomorrow and maybe into the long weekend. Be nice to get some fishing in, but don't want to hazard the drive over the holiday weekend. I'd spend more time on the road than on the water. Looking to dig up that ugly bastard of a lawn instead. Dig it up, haul it away, and start over.